Wet Plate Collodion Using an Old Polaroid Camera

Their site was down for a while but checking in tonight I found this article. Very interesting.

Wet plate collodion with a Polaroid camera « Cameras, Film & Technique « AlternativePhotography.com

Looks interesting. I have plenty of old Polaroid cameras, too. May try it if the sensitizing process isn't too laborious.

Thanks for posting it, Pete.
I'd never thought about downloading the user-generated presets and recipes until you mentioned it there, Pete. I've just downloaded the lot - both Silver and Colour - and run an image through them for a quick look - what a lot of useless recipes [doh] Actually, there are three or four I might take another look at.
Ive been on that site a bit, im looking into cyanotypes as a contact print method :) 2 chemicals, develops in water, simples :D