Wet Plate Rose

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
An example of the Nik Analog Wet Plate filters...with a decayed rose...Fuji XS1. I don't know enough about wet plate procedures to know if this is close or not...

Whoa, don't worry. I certainly didn't feel shot down. In fact I really appreciated Pete's comments, and plan to return to this image when I get time this weekend.

Hamish's spelling, on the other hand...:eek:
the cheek ... how are you feeling about Petes attitude in this thread Rob? There is a line, and it feels like it's being crossed?? ;)
Is that 'line' as in boundary or a linear inscription? And do you mean 'crossing' as in exceeding the limits of acceptable behaviour or as in inscribing another line, not parallel to the first, but intersecting with it such that extends on both sides?

And I do so much hate petty semi-demagogues. And what happened to the apostrophe?! ;)