Where It All Happens...

Dave Green

Well-Known Member
The home workstation - let's see yours :)

We've been here before and I declined then. We have a study, with a lovely view of where we feed the badgers and where the deer come in to the garden. Inside however, there are bright green walls where we started to decorate in an Indian theme and ran out of time and money. There is a nice reproduction desk, but the chair is too big for me and is piled with old pillows and I have to put my feet on an upturned box. There are two radiator hammocks where the kittens normally watch me at night and wait for me to take them to bed. Oh... and a litter tray :)
This is our office as it currently stands ... all be it with a couple of us missing.

by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr

From left to right
My desk
Robs desk
Steve (sitting at Alex's desk)
Steves desk
My desk (again)
Greg (again)

Then this is my desk, or "lap" as I call it at home ... notice the "real" computer @Glenn Clabo ;)

by Hamish_Gill, on Flickr
Crappy snapshot, but you get the idea. The MacPro on the floor is not used for photography anymore (only hosts my virtual orchestra for composition) - the retina MBP on the desk in clamshell mode is the workstation. I'm running backups which is why the bare drive is in the dock to the right. My Epson 3880 is under the cover on the rack to the far right along with my paper supply and some lighting grip that is out of frame.


Is that a Jobo 1000 processor I spy there? Nice - but it can't be a real darkroom 'cause I don't see a Gralab 300 timer hanging on the wall :)
When I dismantled my darkroom (much more modest than your Park Avenue version), I was going to keep the Gralab and hang it on the wall of my office/man cave as a reminder of the bad ole days.

I always wanted a Jobo, but it was overkill for me. The majority of the color materials I used was Kodachrome printed on Cibachrome. I tried doing a few of those prints and decided I was farming that s**t out. Stuck to B&W until the end.
I don't do colour any more - that's all digital although I have a few rolls of colour film I must send off to have developed. The enlarger in Germany is a DeVere 507. The colour head has now been converted to split grade operation of Heiland Electronic so that is mono only now and I have a DeVere 504 with and Ilford head on in the UK. Mind, Fining a decent C41 processing house nearby (Hamish seems to have been lucky) is proving tricky so that might all change and I have a couple of neg scanners...
Friend of mine had the Ilford rig on a big Beseler - was really nice to work with. I understand there are still a few labs doing good C41 locally. Totally SOL on B&W, though unless you are willing to pay for hand processing with a tank (probably a Jobo :)).

I really don't miss film. The chemistry was fun for a while but just turned into drudgery in the end, at least for me.

Very impressive darkroom, Pete. If I still had any interest in film and traditional printing I would be supremely jealous.
Aye that's why I sit in a corner Paul - so they can only come at me one at a time :)