Where To Put......

Paul Cheeseman

Well-Known Member
Any street type shots, is there a preferred forum to put the street stuff, as I can't see a street or documentary forum.


I tend to use General or People and when is Street really Street? Dave does some in colour and mine sometimes come from the old Leica. Perhaps we need an Antique category as well... ;)

I would fit right into that category Lesley.


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Ive always thought "people & portraits" as being ideal for street

If that's the end of the matter, then so be it.
Though I must admit, its not somewhere I would expect to find street photography.
Street tends to be given its own space these days and would also encompass 'street portrait', 'social & documentary' & even 'environmental' as well as the usual broad brush that is 'street'.


I like to think of it is....

"Documentary primarily candid urban behavioural contextual people photography primarily but not exclusively on streets " :)