Critique Welcomed Whipsnade Zoo

Robbie Coffin

Well-Known Member
My first try at using a telephoto lens! Was a bit tricky as I used a Vivitar 70-210mm with my Nikon D3200, so I had no exposure meter and had to judge it myself!

ZSL Whipslade-1.jpg ZSL Whipslade-2.jpg ZSL Whipslade-3.jpg ZSL Whipslade-4.jpg ZSL Whipslade-5.jpg
Cheers Ivar! Yeah I love lynxs, such beautiful creatures. That photo was taken leaning over the side as it was hiding in the shade! It's a wonderful zoo, as the animals have such large enclosures, terrible if you don't have binoculars or a telephoto lens!
You could probably solve much of the exposure in software such as Lightroom or basic editors like Picasa. I really like the Pygmy Hippo.

It has been a good few years since I have been to Whipsnade Zoo. Memories, :) thanks.
Thanks for the advice! Sorry for the late reply!