winter has come

Beth Anthony

Well-Known Member
spanish creek in montana. just north of yellowstone national park.

Combination of the shot is just wow. Have you used some mode for this shot?

yup, i used manual mode. most of my pics are manual mode, I'll occasionally switch to aperture priority if I'm shooting wildlife at sunset when the light is changing rapidly.

the shot is pretty simple exposure-wise, the sun wasn't out so it's just heavy winter storm clouds and no chance of blowing out the snow because there's no strong highlights.
yup, i used manual mode. most of my pics are manual mode, I'll occasionally switch to aperture priority if I'm shooting wildlife at sunset when the light is changing rapidly.

the shot is pretty simple exposure-wise, the sun wasn't out so it's just heavy winter storm clouds and no chance of blowing out the snow because there's no strong highlights.

That's great. I will surely try :)