Julian Tanase
Well-Known Member
A bout of warmth in the air takes place these days; unexpectedly so, and I believe the climatologists have a field day asking one another why is that. Matter of fact is that temperatures of 15-18*C are almost never seen midwinter. I enjoyed these few days of evading the constraints of the freezing days. Global warming can go hang itself, I take what I can when I can. And taking a camera to see what winter remains in the local park is a great time for one to see that this winter is tired.
I loaded a Nikon FM3a with a roll of Svema Foto 400, one of the last rolls purchased in 2022 from the Ukrainian seller. Again, this is the most usable film from those 4 emulsions I purchased then. Grainy, true, but it has a certain appeal if you are not afraid of the grain, which I am not. Processed in Rodinal 1+25, at 20*C, dev time 12 minutes, first minute gentle inversions, then 2 inversions per minute. To be honest, I should’ve develop less time (perhaps at 11.30 mins ?), and agitate less (or even stand/semi stand development), but there are lessons to be learned here, for the next roll of Svema 400 film negative.
Not Pulitzer material, certainly. But it did me a world of good getting out of the house and take in the nature’s revival in the local park. Not much to photograph, alas, the muddy grey of this season is not doing any favours to the film which is what it is. Not really bad, I guess.

I loaded a Nikon FM3a with a roll of Svema Foto 400, one of the last rolls purchased in 2022 from the Ukrainian seller. Again, this is the most usable film from those 4 emulsions I purchased then. Grainy, true, but it has a certain appeal if you are not afraid of the grain, which I am not. Processed in Rodinal 1+25, at 20*C, dev time 12 minutes, first minute gentle inversions, then 2 inversions per minute. To be honest, I should’ve develop less time (perhaps at 11.30 mins ?), and agitate less (or even stand/semi stand development), but there are lessons to be learned here, for the next roll of Svema 400 film negative.
Not Pulitzer material, certainly. But it did me a world of good getting out of the house and take in the nature’s revival in the local park. Not much to photograph, alas, the muddy grey of this season is not doing any favours to the film which is what it is. Not really bad, I guess.