wisconsin point lighthouse

Beth Anthony

Well-Known Member
found this in wisconsin. on the point. one thing i didn't find there was clouds.


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I too like those sun warmed grasses of the first shot. Graffiti is the bane of my existence these days as a photographer. I personally try not to show it in my work but practically everything these days has been marred by it. Commissioned work is different.
An interesting and photogenic subject, indeed! You took two beautiful photos, Beth, I really like the warm colour tones and the cut you gave to the framing.
thanks giranluca. it was a pretty ride back and fairly secluded. the area was a fishing and beach area, but there weren't too many people around. it was also really windy so probably wasn't the best day for people to lay around.

Very interesting lighthouse, beautifully caught. The first one keeps my attention more. It’s very beautiful, Beth.
thanks rob. they have some really odd lighthouses in the great lakes. i like the first one a little more, the second one might sell better.

I agree, I think because the color in the foreground grasses complements the color in the sky.

Me too, are they OOC or did you play with the colors in post?

Are you still on the road or are you back?
i always play with the colors in post. but this was also golden hour so it was pretty warm to begin with. on these i warmed the sky a little because the stark blue wasn't matching the golden light on the grass and lighthouse. and punched up the red on the lighthouse roof.

i'm back home now and facing the daunting task of processing a month's worth of photos while trying to fit in work and manage my booth at the shop.

I too like those sun warmed grasses of the first shot. Graffiti is the bane of my existence these days as a photographer. I personally try not to show it in my work but practically everything these days has been marred by it. Commissioned work is different.
i don't mind it too much on buildings in an urban setting. but i get a little grumpy when someone defaces a natural rock wall or whatever else in a nature setting.

OK, I hear you. I’ll stop doing it! 🤣
no!!! or at least keep tagging the trains and alley ways.