Yes You Have To Have This

Ahmad Bhai

Well-Known Member
My Canon A650 IS

Think Grade C then downgrade to Grade D ...
yes it has that bashed about look manly men like so much
infact it may even have a tash.

When you have it your life will be complete.
You will wonder how you ever got out of bed without it.

Only that's right only £50 + postage as that's wot i paid
Peanuts for something that will enhance your chances of getting laid and your comedic talent.

(Spec : huh who needs spec when we can photograph even with an orange
1/1.7" 35-210 f2.8-4.8, 1cm macro, iso1600, swivel screen, ovf
mode dial with full manual control, damn handy liveview shows all changes straightaway
was the best of the G series of that time i think G7 without RAW & dials)