Critique Welcomed Storm Clouds at Sunset

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Beautiful light this evening - Sedona, AZ


  • Fujifilm GFX 50S GF23mmF4 R LM WR
  • ƒ/11.0
  • 23.0 mm
  • 1/160
  • ISO100
  • Mastin Labs Ektar100
Very nice, Chris. We've missed your contributions! Gorgeous skies.
Thanks Rob, much appreciated
Great sky
Thanks John - I was sitting at the house looking at the storm forming, and said to SWMBO that this might be worth a trip to the top of the mesa to take sunset shots!
Wonderful light and, again, the big sensor is delivering on all those graduations and dynamic range. The highlights on that tree are interesting; cones? And is that smoke from one of the fires?
Thanks Pete - love shooting this camera in this pano mode - just like shooting with the big Fuji G617, but a lot less follow-on cost!

Well spotted with the cones, and the fire up on the plateau - there were lighting strikes from the storm so I expect the fire was sparked by a strike.
Here's an earlier shot, with Mastin Labs Porta treatment to give a more 'natural' tonal balance.

A storm is being forced to rise over Thunder Mountain (I wonder how it got it's name!) and as it rises and then falls down the leeward side, the rain starts to fall. You can see the fire has sparked up to the left of the main peak, on the high plateau.

Around this time of year the monsoonal storms kick up, and we walk a fine line between wanting the rain, and not wanting the fires that come from the lightning strikes! Dry lightning is bad juju.


  • Fujifilm GFX 50S GF23mmF4 R LM WR
  • ƒ/11.0
  • 23.0 mm
  • 1/35
  • ISO100
Interesting info and comparison, Chris. I prefer the warmer 'mix' though.
Thanks Pete - Ektar does do that nice cinema color-split with the right image, orange/teal - very appealing