Critique Welcomed 15 Minute Parking

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
I always take my vintage Porsche to the hardware store!


Spotted at Ace Hardware in Encinitas CA

  • ƒ/2.8
  • 23.0 mm
  • 1/1250
  • ISO200
  • Mastin Labs Kodak Ektar100
I'm not really into cars, but that one looks very appealing, one I'm sure @Brian Moore would like. Gorgeous. Why don't they make cars like that anymore?
Thanks Rob! I think they do still make them, in Beaminster, Dorset.


I took one for a test drive around Swanage - it was a vintage experience, and a lot of fun - i.e. slow but very posh! :cool:
Beautiful capture and a beautiful car Chris.
Thanks Brian - I think that California probably has more high end restored cars than anywhere else - do you see many classics up your way?