Critique Welcomed Turbulence and Stardust

Brian Moore

I don't often select a window seat and I'm guessing I had no choice on this flight. Had my Olympus XA2 with me loaded with Fomapan 400 film.

Processed in Cinestill DF96 Monobath and scanned on an Epson V500. Forgot about the (star)dust.

Wow. What a shot. I've never seen anything like it. Congratulations, Brian. Astonishing. Are they clouds?
Thanks Rob. Much appreciated. Not clouds; lights of a city.

The wing is astonishing too. And I'm not sure where the stars end and the dust begins. I LOVE this image.
I made 2 images. The other one is free of star (dust). I liked this one better. However, I may go back into Lr and clean it up. Thanks again Rob!
I'll add a WOW! Love the effect