Hamish Gill
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    Loving the f8 website just scanning through to see wha you get upto. Just thought d send a message about the conversation about another studio, just would like to know more. I know you said currently you are pouring more effort int the web side of things at the moment, what would be the final product which you are aiming for in the long run
    Hi Hamish

    Just to keep you updated about the WAY photo Comp

    Although the closing date was the 6th I am still waiting for some more pics to come in. I'm a little disappointed in the total number of clubs that finally did get round to taking part but I guess that the nature of the beast. At least some did and in that respect I am happy to be honest. Maybe next year if I do it again will be bigger.......
    I think it was a little to rushed in setting up but we learn by our mistake.......still someone will get a great 1st prize and if we have enabled some of our young people to get in to photography then that has to be good, yeah?

    I haven't viewed any of the pics yet as I want to be totally impartial about selecting the final group. Once done could I get the forum to pass their comments and select the top three?

    Chat soon

    Hey,, I haven't forgotten about going to one of the youthies, looks like it won't be able to happen atm as I am grounded..........car in the pits for major work. Have at least four clubs working on stuff.haven't heard about radio stuff yet but will be back on it as soon as I can.
    Hope you are well

    Hamish I'm still having issues had to come in round the back door, all very odd is anyone else having problems or is it just me?
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