Recent content by Aaron Quinn

  1. Aaron Quinn

    Critique Welcomed Forum Members: Self Portrait In Reflection

    Finally started scanning all my negatives dating back into the '80s... ran across this one, I do not even recall taking it.
  2. Aaron Quinn

    Sogni = Dreams

    You captured the interesting architecture nicely! I also agree with Peter on that photo, the birds really add to it.
  3. Aaron Quinn

    Not quite how it's supposed to go..

    Dang... I have not done film processing since high school...that was in the late '80s! Sorry to hear!
  4. Aaron Quinn

    Street food

    I know I have stated it before, but I do enjoy images of the everyday, especially when they are different to mine. Such a great way to look at it. I actually scrolled back up and looked that the photos completely differently. Thanks for that! And a great set of photos too!
  5. Aaron Quinn

    A question of perspective

    Oh that's a mind twister, really like this one!
  6. Aaron Quinn

    The Black Arts

    I like them both but that first one...walking into the abyss caught my eye!
  7. Aaron Quinn

    Critique Welcomed Lightly Lit

    Thank you. I agree with that first one. I noticed the hotel sign and at first it was all I wanted in the frame but then noticed the big-rigs that were driving through this small Utah town (Kanab) so I set the shutter for 2 seconds, leaned up against a street sign pole to brace myself and took...
  8. Aaron Quinn

    Rhona Emerging From Beyond

    This is so creative! I would not even know where to start to try and create something similar. Nicely done!
  9. Aaron Quinn

    Critique Welcomed Lightly Lit

    I have noticed there is one type of subject I continue to return to when out photographing. I have come to call it the "Lightly Lit" and it fascinates me for some reason. There are some neon signs mixed in as I just can't walk past a neon sign without it grabbing my attention. No real theme...
  10. Aaron Quinn

    Critique Welcomed Exploring 65x24

    Yeah, thanks. I need to review the photo size rules... I was trying to post an 8660x3198 but no matter what the file size was, it would not insert. I cut it in half at 4330x1599 in the export and it took.
  11. Aaron Quinn

    Critique Welcomed Exploring 65x24

    Earlier this year I went down a rabbit hole learning about the Hasselblad/ Fujifilm xpan cameras and fell in like with the 65x24 ratio it provided. I do not have much of an interest in film anymore (even though I cannot seem to let go of the 20 some rolls I have in my fridge...) and seeing the...
  12. Aaron Quinn

    In the Dark Spaces

    Uff! Beautifully captured!
  13. Aaron Quinn

    Critique Welcomed Moved back home after 30 years gone

    Thank you! Military... My second station was just east of Denver CO back in '97 (after 4 years in Germany) and when I separated from the Military in '99, I just stayed there. But yes, I was away for far too long!
  14. Aaron Quinn

    Critique Welcomed Moved back home after 30 years gone

    Many ups and downs this last couple of years. One highlight though is we (Myself, my wife and our 8yo) moved from Denver CO back home to San Diego CA last year. It has been very busy here but I found a few evenings to head out and capture a some shots of my home town. Really enjoyed the time...