Recent content by Dave Walker

  1. D

    RA4 reversal daffodils

    Thanks I'm doing my best to make it straightforward at the moment. I'll publish my method once I'm confident it's repeatable 🙂
  2. D

    RA4 reversal daffodils

    Yes, I moved the paper in a darkroom, but a bag would also work. The back of the Pinsta is the tray I mentioned :) I have a 4x5 field camera from Chroma
  3. D

    RA4 reversal daffodils

    I have been experimenting with RA4 colour paper reversal, creating unique direct positive colour prints in-camera on darkroom paper. Over the last year or so I've tweaked and adjusted my method and recently had a bit of a breakthrough in filtration. Using only low-cost filters in current...
  4. D

    Black and White Paper Reversal Results

    No article yet, but Graeme Jago took this of me this evening 🙂 same bw reversal process.
  5. D

    Black and White Paper Reversal Results

    I must say, I can believe it. The tonality of reversal processed RC paper from pinhole images is much prettier than I was expecting. I reckon FB would be lovely. I have a box of FB graded Ilfobrom...
  6. D

    Black and White Paper Reversal Results

    Fascinating! Do you remember what the proposed advantages were for a positive-positive process?
  7. D

    Black and White Paper Reversal Results

    Hello all, After a Summer of RA4 colour reversal images in my Pinsta pinhole camera, I decided to turn my attention to Black and White reversal. After some early successes with Dichromate bleach, I set about trying to find a less toxic method of achieving nice results and I think I've cracked...
  8. D

    Hello everybody from Oxfordshire, UK

    These two were today's efforts. The one with the bee sign has been flipped so you can read it, and was the trickier one to expose. Getting detail in the sign and the brighter background was a challenge, but I'm getting the hang of it now, and that's the shot my daughter wanted! I think once you...
  9. D

    Hello everybody from Oxfordshire, UK

    Thanks Ralph! I have it down to a pretty short routine now, but it's not for those who think it takes a while to save a raw file to an SD card 🙂 I quite like the routine - it's almost meditative sometimes
  10. D

    Hello everybody from Oxfordshire, UK

    Hi Hamish! Nice to see you 😀👍
  11. D

    Hello everybody from Oxfordshire, UK

    Go on, you know you want to...
  12. D

    Hello everybody from Oxfordshire, UK

    Thank you Julian, I appreciate it. The process is getting more and more tamed each time I do it.... although I realised my RA4 developer is getting a bit old these days, and the colour development stage takes a little longer than it used to!
  13. D

    Hello everybody from Oxfordshire, UK

    Thanks Rob! Another one from today, in case you're interested...
  14. D

    Hello everybody from Oxfordshire, UK

    It's the one that can do enlargements, but I haven't tried that feature out yet because I have an enlarger!