Rense Haveman

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  • Planned a date for my academic promotion today. April 4th, it will be, at 16:00 hours. Still some weeks work to go!
    Pete Askew
    Pete Askew
    Good luck, Rense.
    Rense Haveman
    Rense Haveman
    Haha, I see your kind words only now, Pete. Thank you! It went well, and as of the 4th of April, I can call myself doctor. Early this morning, I wondered what it brought. At least it didn't change me in who I am, which is a kind of relief, although not completely unexpected. And it was a great day, with friends all over the place....
    Rense, I see you are from the Nijmegan area then.........I was one of the many that took part in the marches back in the 70's. I must admit to loving the area but I bet it's all changed now though, and although I have many memories most of them revolve around the Bars in the town and a fantastic little corner shop selling fresh bread. It's all so long ago now how the mind fades:)

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