
  1. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Rue Saint-Ferréol, Céret, France

    August, 2018. Olympus XA2 with Kodak Tri-X 400 processed in Cinestill D96 Monobath and scanned on an Epson V500.
  2. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Rue Saint-Ferréol, Céret, France

    August, 2018. Olympus XA2 with Kodak Tri-X 400 processed in Cinestill D96 Monobath and scanned on an Epson V500.
  3. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Blue Jays vs Angels

    Angel Stadium, Anaheim California. June 30, 2018. Olympus OM2n with Kodak Tri-X 400 film processed in Cinestill DF76 Monobath and scanned on an Epson V500.
  4. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Blue Jays vs Angels

    Angel Stadium, Anaheim California. June 30, 2018. Olympus OM2n with Kodak Tri-X 400 film processed in Cinestill DF76 Monobath and scanned on an Epson V500.
  5. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Changeup!

    At the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim versus Toronto Blue Jays game on June 30, 2018. In baseball parlance a "changeup" is a pitch intended to fool the batter into thinking a fastball is on the way, when in fact the pitch thrown is much slower. The ruse is based on the pitcher's motion which is...
  6. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed St. Basil's Chapel On A Wet, Dreary Day

    This is in Houston, Texas. Shot with my Olympus OM2n and Olympus 35/2.8 shift lens with Kodak Tri-X 400 film. Normally I process my B&W film in Rodinal. (Although I went through a period a few years ago using Caffenol as a developer.) However, I had recently used the last of my Rodinal and...