
  1. Brian Moore

    Huntington Beach Pier

    I steadied the Sigma DP1 Merrill on a wall or something and let it capture this light. Huntington Beach Pier by brian moore, on Flickr
  2. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Bubble Boy and Bubble Girl

    Huntington Beach Pier. Canon F1 and Canon FD17/4 with Arista EDU 400 film processed in Rodinal. Bubble Boy Bubble Girl
  3. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed Runner

    @Rob MacKillop's persistently good Sigma Quatro images have inspired me to get my DP1 McKillop out and shoot with it again. It's the only digital camera I own that engenders anything like the enthusiasm for shooting for fun that I get from film. I haven't shot with The McKillop in a while. The...
  4. Brian Moore

    Critique Welcomed I Photobomb My Own Image

    Huntington Beach Pier. Olympus OM-2n and Ilford FP4 processed in Rodinal.