11.2 m Focal Length

Detlef Kuhl

Well-Known Member

by d ql844, auf Flickr

The glass telescope inside the Grosser Refraktor on Telegrafen Berg in Potsdam. 11.2 m focal length and a diameter of 80 cm for the lenses. In parallel to the telescope is a smaller one mounted, with only 50 cm diameter lenses used for is searching as a kind of sighting telescope. The telescope started operation in 1899, tracking of the stars was done purely by mechanics, a clock work.
It was rainy and my camera adapter didn't fit, so no stars to be taken.

by d ql844, auf Flickr
Building Grosser Refraktor with telescope inside the 200t dome.
What a brillian pair of shots' Detlef. Love the hints of flare by the eyepiece, it adds a touch of drama. I also like the view of the observatory very much, especially with the figure, observing you, observing it.

You know, I have never been there - I must rectify that!
Thanks all.

What a brillian pair of shots' Detlef. Love the hints of flare by the eyepiece, it adds a touch of drama. I also like the view of the observatory very much, especially with the figure, observing you, observing it.

You know, I have never been there - I must rectify that!
Yes Pete you have to. The science park can be visited, there is normally no entrance restriction as passing the security at the gate. I could took the second shot from the top of the adjacent Michelson House. That gave a better perspective as standing directly in front of the building. I was lucky, that the observer jumped in the scene.