17-year-old Me in a Punk Band

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Some 37 years ago... I'm on the far left. The singer in the centre was my brother-in-law, and the guy on the right now is a specialist in making classical double basses. The band was called The Drive. We wanted to be the Stones, but were caught up in the whole new punk storm.

The Drive 1a.jpg

And now the scary part - they are re-releasing the one and only single we made. It was reputed to be the first Scottish punk single - it's called Jerkin (as in "I can't stop jerkin over you!" - subtle!!!!) - but it sounds NOTHING like punk. I'm even playing slide guitar - aged 17. I'm impressed with myself.

The single goes for around £45 on ebay, and I don't have one, but the record company will send me one when it is re-released.

BUT, it is already on youtube - you can hear the punky-Stones vibe, plus a touch of the Undertones before they appeared on the scene. The lyrics are truly embarrassing (not mine!) but the slide guitar playing is pretty good!

The coolest thing is that it was banned from the John Peel Show - few people can claim that! He wrote a review in Sounds or NME, saying, "Steal the recordings of the Pistols and the Clash, buy buy this one!". But the BBC wouldn't let him play it, as the lyrics were too rude.
The coolest thing is that it was banned from the John Peel Show - few people can claim that! He wrote a review in Sounds or NME, saying, "Steal the recordings of the Pistols and the Clash, buy buy this one!". But the BBC wouldn't let him play it, as the lyrics were too rude.
You aught to update your Wikipedia and include this.
Yes. The effect is wonderful. Great to have it. The bass player found me online. We've spent the day chatting via emails about it. He remembers more than I do...
That's the one.

Just listened to the record, Rob. It is indeed a very Stones-like sound and the singer is doing his best Mick Jagger to be sure. I like the driving beat and of course that wonderful slide guitar! :)