2 Camera, 2 Films, Same Shot

Brian Moore

The location is Newport Beach, California.

Polaroid 230 Automatic Land Camera with Fuji FP100B "peel-apart" film.

Mamiya C330 with Ilford PanF Plus, developed in Rodinal 1:100 for 60 minutes.
The Mamiya is a wonderful piece of kit. It doesn't belong to me unfortunately. It belongs to a friend who shoots mostly digital but who has some very fine film cameras that the he likes me to use. Only prob with the Mamiya is that the transport mechanism jams from time to time. It happened twice on the most recent roll. (I put my palm over the lens and triggered the shutter again and then it would wind on, so no harm done.) Other than that it's great and really draws attention.
What an interesting comparison Brian and, as Hamish says, they haver a very different fell to each other. Personally I really like the first shot - for the softness and glow but also the way the format affects the composition (an interesting counter-point to Hamish's discussion on square vs non-square). I think it might be due to the way the tonal density appears to extend the foreground in the first shot though.
Thanks very much Pete. I'm not sure which I like better. I could have given more fill light in PP to the Polaroid shot but I'm not sure how much better it would have looked. (I think the camera's electric eye is going bad, hence the darkness of the image.)
Interesting how the images effect my pre-conception of when they were taken - i.e. how long ago

The Polaroid looks retro - and my brain tells me it was taken decades ago - even when I can se the 2nd image!