Darren Turner

Me and mark grant were trying to get that the other day... The thing we decided might be the solution would be to spray the black of some glass black...
Not sure if i should give away my secrets.........haha

I was in conservatory late afternoon just before it was getting to dark so the dice were lit from natural windows light behind me, the dice are on a sheet of thick tinted glass sat on top of a dark wood table.

Used higher iso of around 800 ( i think ) as light was quite dark

I shot in raw and upped contrast & adjusted the black in during processing.

effective isn't it.

You can do it in various ways, I have a matt black piece of board that was a ex shower display and a reflective black tile that I picked up out the bin from a tile shop that they had on display. Tile shops are a great source of other textured surfaces. I have to go to a plumbers merchant quite often and there's a tile shop next door, I often have a rummage around to see what they have thrown out that might be of use. Failing all that fake it in photoshop thus~
