9-11 10th Anniversary Photo

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
This was the photo my local paper - the San Diego Union Tribune, decided to lead with for their 9-11 10th Anniversary coverage.
I was so moved by the image, and the story it portrayed, that I went and found it online, so I could share it here.
The shot was taken by AP photographer Martin Lane.
It shows Robert Peraza, who lost his son Robert David Peraza in the attacks at the World Trade Center, as he pauses at his son's name at the 9/11 Memorial.


I just think it's an incredibly powerful image - and a superbly executed candid.
That is quite something eh!?

It's an odd thing the 911 anniversary, every year I make some flippant comment like "here we are again, 911, loads of the same coverage on tv" ... then I watch it ... And it just hits you again how uncomprehendably huge a disaster it was!
There was a show on bbc3 where they took a bunch of conspiracy theorists around to try and prove to them that it wasnt internally orcastrated ...
I watched it thinking these people AND the BBC have completely missed the mark here ... For me it shouldn't be about the why or how... Just purly about giving a chance for people who need to remember a chance to remember...
And maybe a bit of a nod to the rest of us (like me and my flippant comments) to remember that life is fragile, there is no telling when something might happen to take someone close to you away from you leaving you like that chap in the photo!
... I guess that's what makes it a good photo - captures that aspect of it all, none of the political nonsense, just an individuals personal loss. Makes the whole thing uncomfortably relatable really I think!
What a powerful shot, one of the most powerful images I'd seen came about just after 9/11. It was of some rain drops on a car windscreen with the US flag reflected in them at the time I thought it most apt.
