A bit of Flash Blur............at the fayre

Kev Pugh

Well-Known Member




Loving #3 - crazy! :)
Oh wow, great stuff Kev,
I was worried about posting some of my images I took when we had a bit of a drizzle of the specs it left on my lens, resulting the images looking like you'd expect. However, looking at yours especially the first one gives it a great 'British weather' feel to it. Looks great Kev, I really like it. :) :)
very effective set, really liking these action shots.......!!
Didn't we see those ladies in another shot somewhere?

Impressed by the flash camera gear no doubt - ''ere, are you David Bailey then?' :D
I prefer the mono... or near mono... think it focuses the subject better and you loose the flat white flash effect a bit which is a bonus i think!