Morning Coffee:

The fires continue to grow. There is some containment, 8% for the Palisades (along the coast-Malibu), 8% for the Eaton (Pasadena), 100% for the Sunset (Hollywood), Hurst Fire (80% contained), Kenneth Fire, Archer Fire, Lidia Fire no idea on containment. The fire fighters are armed with portable pumps and are utilizing swimming pool water to save homes. (The pool is literally saving the home.)

(image pinched from the internet)
Most wild fires are in 'wild/natural' areas with little to no structures. These wild fires are in the city. LA has only received .08mm of rainfall since July 2024. We are in the California 'Wet Season', October through April, with no rain yet ... nor in the foreseeable future.
The American west, California in particular, has a Chaparral ecosystem in the semi-arid areas.This ecosystem is based on fire as an undeniable element of the ecosystem. California's Chaparral/Brush which covers natural hillsides in LA is designed to burn. The woody brush contains terpenes a highly flammable oil along with resins, fats and high energy waxes. I have seen hillsides seemingly explode under perfect conditions as we have now. California Sequoias, world's largest trees, will only germinate after fire. The brush DNA allows for Stump Sprouting ... after a fire passes the remaining stumps will sprout and grow again.
Because California's ecosystem's DNA acknowledges fire and is designed to live with/survive fire ... because fire is an annual part of California ... California has one of, if not the best fire fighting management systems in the world. But no amount of fire fighting personnel, fire fighting equipment can fight a fire with 50+ years of Chaparral fuel and 100 kph winds (160 kph).
Yes, this catastrophe has many human components ... climate change (no rain in the rainy season), building into chaparral covered steep terrain, installing fire water system design for fighting urban fires in an area of natural/wild habitats. It is still catastrophic by any measurement.