A bt of people watching

Kev Pugh

Well-Known Member
Stood in a doorway at the old Studio 45 in Pershore a while back taking the opportunity to do a spot of people watching, isn't it odd how some people just get on with life and others are very suspicious of anyone with a camera even though I was very slightly hidden in the doorway with a 300mm on.....

Lighting Up

We're only looking

Waiting and its starting to rain

This Way up

What you doin?
Oooo unlucky! ;)
I went to pinvin middle and pershore high ... You get a feeling for these things ...
I bet at least 2 of them are biddle or gubbins family ... Hehe ;)
... Please excuse my silliness I've been on the spar plonk and not had my dinner. I'm not used to it, I feel a bit silly in the head ;)
Well coming from the 'vin you would be............and may I remind you mister gill this is a photography forum and not facethingy.....:D......oh and enjoy the spar plonk, me I'm partaking in a rather nice Spanish Cabernet Sauvignon....
great work, I like people photography, its loads of fun if not a little scary
Hence why I was partially hid in a doorway with a 300 on. I have had my kit stuffed down my mush followed by a you can't take my effin picture.............wish I had more b**ls to just stand there and do it, but after being pulled in Brum for taking photos without a permit and nearly arrested in London for having a camera hanging off my shoulder, it is a little difficult at times, always looking over my should and not through the view finder......must get out of the safe zone and into the ZONE!
Mine had no mention of the type of grape ... I'm a classy bird sometimes! ;)

Have you seen the video of the guys in London arguing with security guards about their rights to take photos? Ita brilliant, especially when the police turn up and tell the security guards to leave the police alone ... I'll dig it out!
Not sure if I have seen it or not.....trouble is that many retail parks and shopping centres are no longer public spaces, although naturally the public are allowed in, they are privately owned and as such the owners can stop people taking photos, especially if it's a proper camera and you look like you are a proper photographer. As I understand the rights of photography, you can take photographs of anyone or anything provided it doesn't invade their privacy and you are in a public right of way, ie. You don't have the right to take photos from inside private land of anything or anyone without the permission of the landowner or their representative/s.
Unfortunately with the Anti terrorism legislation of I think 2007 many police officers and security staff felt they had the automatic right to not only remove the 'offending photographer' but also delete images and even confiscate cameras.

This I believe is not how it should be interpreted, they can ask you to stop, and to leave but can't demand to see what you have taken, however this doesn't apply when near to 'sensitive' places, ie military, government and the likes.

Please this is my understanding of it, don't quote me, I'm not a legal beagle :)

Not a Terrorist.jpg
Cheers, no hadn't seen that one but this happened to me a couple of years back in London, Police called because two blokes with cameraswere outside on the street taking pictures of the building, ended up having to give my details to the police just so they could say yea it's ok to carry on.

The odd thing is that a group of tourists snapping can carry on without question, and who is more likely to be covertly photographing buildings etc.
The simple answer to this really lies in the question I think in that 'we do exactly what we do' we take photos and if anyone asks we tell and show and politely continue or move on, if they have the right to ask that is, I certainly would be showing every twonk that made a comment what I was doing; as for the kids issue, you (Hamish) and I spoke about that last week at some length, it is a difficult one, if you have a CRB that apparently gives you the all clear to photograph in areas where there are kids, if it is part of your employment, but as we all know from the history of recent events that is no guarantee that wrongs won't be done. Perhaps there should be a department of photography where every ones images are submitted for approval before we can actually load them onto our machines for us to display, now of course that is a ludicrous idea so it's all a question of trust so as I said at the start of this post this answer lies in the question. 'We DO what we do'
Oh and then of course we are also extremely hypocritical.........because we (I am using the term 'WE' as a collective of all parents, guardians, carers etc.) all complain about it but WE all post pictures of our kids, on this dangerous place called the internet where WE have little of no control over who sees them, copies them and uses them for whatever.
Then if you take photos and keep them to yourself that is seen as perverse too, because if you are taking photos they should be seen by other people................Mmmmm dilema.......