A Couple Of Portraits of Rhona

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent


Home for the summer from Central St. Martin's Art College, University of London. Clearly a good Scottish summer here, with people wrapped in blankets to keep warm :rolleyes: A bit of posing going on here. She's in good health, mentally and physically. Exhausted, though. She's loving her Textile Design course.
Sigma DPOQuattro.
Congratulations to your daughter, Julian. It's the next four years that are difficult, trying to find work in your chosen profession, finding your way in the world. Good luck to her.
Yes thank you Rob. Fortunately unlike myself she is, well plain and quite sensible plus responsible, therefore applied for a post grad scheme last September prior to her final year. That starts in a couple of months, after swanning around Europe this summer. I don't know where she gets the sensible from. Certainly not her mother :rolleyes: or maybe it is :D She does though get the swanning from me.
I still remember vividly the week I spent at St. Martins, in had not combined with central. Anyway I was offered a place which stupidly I rejected. It is I know a fine institution which oozed sophistication, I guess Rhona must be enjoying it there.
She is certainly enjoying it. Her latest project involved taking photos in gay discos, combining outrageous fashion with movement, hence slow shutter speed. Many of her images are excellent. All in the name of research, she assures me. My Christmas jumper this year will be very interesting! :eek::D
She is certainly enjoying it. Her latest project involved taking photos in gay discos, combining outrageous fashion with movement, hence slow shutter speed. Many of her images are excellent. All in the name of research, she assures me. My Christmas jumper this year will be very interesting! :eek::D
Be grateful you'll get one:D a jumper that is.
Is not uni about exploring life and that other thing, getting into debt :mad:
I thought Disco's were something of bygone era's Rob , maybe its all gone the full circle. Were in the sticks in Cornwall , thankfully the sun sea and sand is all we seem to need to make us happy. I do hope Rhona finds something fore filling, I certainly know I could not survive without daily thoughts and actions on how to improve on the creative findings either found today or a long time ago. A privilege the opportunity to be able to do so.
Ow, wonderful shots....

Good luck with your Scottish summer! Had my share of it, last three weeks. At the west-coast, so even less favourable than yours.... :D
And this is a good year...


Well, in fact it didn't bother me too much. Spent two weeks with my sister and family, who live in Oban. Great place, amazing landscapes, friendly people, and, what is important, a good roof above our heads. And we managed our expectations, of course, which made the weather kind of manageable....