Jim Kuo
The man in the hat
I went to a workshop ran by IC photosoc about light painting. As much fun as it was, my calligraphy skill was so bad that I wasn't able to make legible "Hello RPF" attempts. So I gave up and took these pictures instead
Sunset at the local station, on my way into town.
The Serpentine at night
I thought these are nice, but comparing to the shots I've seen on Google+ from other landscape photographers, they are pale in comparison. I am hoping to learn some tips about what I should try in similar situations to give these kind of scenes more "pop".
Thanks for viewing.

Sunset at the local station, on my way into town.

The Serpentine at night

I thought these are nice, but comparing to the shots I've seen on Google+ from other landscape photographers, they are pale in comparison. I am hoping to learn some tips about what I should try in similar situations to give these kind of scenes more "pop".
Thanks for viewing.