A Day At The Beach

My, didn't we have a lovely time! Love the shot of the pavilion and scene behind - gorgeous greens, especially. An such a picturesque bin! I also really like shot 3 with is bands and beautifully natural colours. Love the two blur shots too. A super set. :)
Thanks, Milan. It's funny you and Ivar like that one the best, as I like it the least! :) To me it's the most clichéd. And I am not happy with the colours, but couldn't be bothered doing anything about it. It's not that I think it a bad shot (or it wouldn't appear here), but is to me the least interesting of the bunch.
The next to last one is my favorite of the bunch.
It is not that I do not like some of the others, merely pointed out my favourite. From the likes of others, you included, it only shows that we all are a funny bunch, or weird!:D