Ivar Dahl-Larsen
Well-Known Member

It’s funny, strange really when I have two extremely good cameras which I am very happy with. I even sold all my heavy stuff, considered very good by whoever rates themselves as professionals. Not to get burdened as much anymore. Not to be so obtrusive since street life is my foremost ground of photography with little people as well as larger ones.
My two Fuji x-e1 are quick, well, more quick than I am able to manually focus and they find the focus too. Especially after the last update on firmware and they are quite like the first camera I really loved and as a fool I am, sold. It gave me the assets to buy one of the first mentioned Fuji’s though so I guess it’s all right. I usually photograph by picking the aperture for the occasion, measure the light by adjusting either the shutter or leaving that one alone, using exposure compensation dial mostly instead and by that am able to see exactly what I get, after having focused where I wanted in a flick of a second. What more do I need? What else is there to desire? Was there another way we did it before? Not really, we had the autofocus, a quick way of setting the aperture on the lens and shutter on the shutter dial, and fired away. I find nothing wrong with them. I even packed them in holsters to sort of protect them from whatever and by that my small hands have a firm and relaxed grip on them.
So why am I drooling, snapping for air when I starry eyed read all this new camera can do as well as I see how it looks. I even read what’s coming out of it does not differ that much from my two beloved ones. Sure it follows people a little faster than mine. But I don’t stalk people. And if I do sport, I pre focus and wait to the right moment, just like before and it’s fun too. So why has there built up an envy in my body? I haven’t even touched that damn XT1. I can’t even compare and from what I see out there on my monitor, there is not any real difference. So why do I go on like that?
Is it greed? I must have the new thing. I can’t be left with old stuff. People are going to laugh at me.
I am not saying that whoever wants to buy the XT1 should not do it. Just don’t tell me. I want to lull myself into the belief that I can still manage my photography very well with what I have. And honestly, when I see people here shoot film with older cameras and come up with stunning pictures, then shut up Ivar and be content with what you have. You’ve been a happy chap so far. I even think my two X-E1 are happy. I treat them very well. Found several fine houses for them so they are even able to choose. Why then has this Fuji XT1 got such a grip on me? So now I am on the lookout for its snags, for all the right reasons to not get indebted and end up with a divorce from my love ones. Thank God it’s springtime again which possibly shall take whichever thoughts I have and turn them into other desires.