Critique Welcomed a likeable bunch of nutters

Peter Blake

Well-Known Member
'aborted' #1DSC_5531 (1 of 1).jpg

#2DSC_5513 (1 of 1).jpg

#3DSC_5502 (1 of 1).jpg

I quite like #2, although he's decided to look the wrong way. the outstretched hand can't help, because it's partly hidden behind someone's head. the white highlight on the left side of his head, comes from a portable LED lighting pack, that one of the 'official' photographers, had strapped around himself. interesting thing. old-fashioned me just shooting ambient, he with his LED thing, and one more official guy who shoots a 5D with fisheye & a bit of fill flash - 3 different styles.

my perspective on this sort of thing is, being right down the front isn't perhaps the best angle, being rather 'up the nose'. I just prefer to shoot from further back - there's a shallower angle subtended. if anyone has attended one of these shows, they'll know that the audience tends to thrash around a bit, being largely disrespectful to card-carrying photographers.

In a future event, I may well grab a short step-ladder and go shoot from the extreme back of the venue (most of these 'intimate' venues are maybe only 40 feet deep from the front of the stage to the back wall.

next up we have 'the Empire' #1DSC_5161 (1 of 1).jpg

#2 DSC_5135 (1 of 1).jpg

#3DSC_5153 (1 of 1).jpg

of these I find #1 the most on the chin and there is that interesting shadow down his throat....and yes I do know that the eyes should be in focus but, you can't really see them. it's an interesting shape, caught mid head-bang

and finally 'System Divide' - mostly members of the first outfit with the addition of a lady

#1 DSC_5413 (1 of 1).jpg

#2 DSC_5288 (1 of 1).jpg

#3 DSC_5287 (1 of 1).jpg

hard to pick a favourite but #1 is interesting - the guy, with no hair, is surrounded by two pillars of flailing hair. apparently he and the lady are husband & wife. I can't imagine a domestic between them...

and a good evening was had by all.
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