Thanks, Pete. It's an artificial wreath, and from a distance, all the little spheres look like frost. Up close, though, they are clear spheres (which is basically what frost is anyway, so I guess they knew what they were doing).
The first one has a bit more "glow" to it due to a steeper curve on the lighter tones and a bit more "light" level in the CEP Sunlight filter, but has numerous areas of blown highlights, including the red channel on some of the berries. The first one comes across as more dramatic if you don't look too closely, but the second one is clearly (to my eye at least) much better technically due to better highlight and red channel control and a better sense of clarity and apparent sharpness (although there was absolutely no difference in the sharpening applied).
I may make one more attempt to see if I can capture the sense of "light" from the first with the detail and dynamic range of the second. Admittedly this has very little to do with the artistic success or failure of the photograph, but with my preoccupation on craftsmanship.