Pete Sykes
Well-Known Member
When I got home from work I took a walk down to the Co-Op for some milk............. I grabbed my camera and nailed a 50-200 Nikon VR on the front ......... The shop is a just over 1/2 mile away and I thought it might be interesting to take a proper look at things I drive past every day and never really see.............
A bit of an oddity a lamp post in the middle of a road junction ............. The base is enormous. 3ft square and 5 feet high........ I have no idea what's in there ............ Maybe a missile silo left over from the cold war
Bad-*** guarding the gate
The base of an old lamp post just along the road............. I typical local authority fashion they stuck a modern post and light on top of it.
A bit of an oddity a lamp post in the middle of a road junction ............. The base is enormous. 3ft square and 5 feet high........ I have no idea what's in there ............ Maybe a missile silo left over from the cold war
Bad-*** guarding the gate
The base of an old lamp post just along the road............. I typical local authority fashion they stuck a modern post and light on top of it.