A Local Stroll ..............

Pete Sykes

Well-Known Member
When I got home from work I took a walk down to the Co-Op for some milk............. I grabbed my camera and nailed a 50-200 Nikon VR on the front ......... The shop is a just over 1/2 mile away and I thought it might be interesting to take a proper look at things I drive past every day and never really see.............

A bit of an oddity a lamp post in the middle of a road junction ............. The base is enormous. 3ft square and 5 feet high........ I have no idea what's in there ............ Maybe a missile silo left over from the cold war :rolleyes:

Bad-*** guarding the gate

The base of an old lamp post just along the road............. I typical local authority fashion they stuck a modern post and light on top of it.
Hi Pete

Sometimes we travel miles for photography and fail to realise what's on our doorstep. Like the images by the way. Thanks for sharing
Vent for the secret bunker I reckon Pete!

Nice decaying paint detail - love a bit of decay myself :)