A Plaza in Chinatown

Brian Moore

Another from my set of accidentally underexposed Kodak Portra 160 images cross-processed in Rodinal and tweaked in PS in an attempt to salvage something from the boulder-like grain.

This is Chinatown in Los Angeles.

(160 shot at 800,...what is that,...3 stops under? 4?)

Yes to this as well!!! Erm... can you write up the instructions for the "error" please? I think it needs to be preserved for posterity :)


Thank you, Leslie.

Step by step:

1. Stop thinking
2. Point and shoot
3. Process in Rodinal
4. Scan image
5. Wander aimlessly through Photoshop's filter menu trying this and that until you stumble on something that your inner critic will not protest too vehemently about posting

Leslie I would say the most important step is to stop thinking. All sorts of possibilities are open to you at that point. ;)

Seriously, thank you Lesley!:)
Once again, that works very well Brian and the grain / diffusion adds more than it subtracts. And the composition is so strong that, even though you cannot actually see the leading line on the right, you can tell it is there. Nice. :)

Thanks very much Pete.

- - - Updated - - -

Very dream-like. I love it! Nice to see we have similar working methods!


I must give you credit, Rob. I had remembered how you had some images that had not turned out as well as you had hoped so you played around with them and came up with some great stuff. So, although I can't remember what images these were, you certainly inspired me to try something different. Thanks, Rob!
Actually... I'm learning to let go of the less than good images. The one of the deer at dusk is an example. Before I would have tried to improve the lighting and the contrast, but the noise and poor quality would have stood out like a sore thumb. Let it go where it wants, maybe add a bit of glow and you have something different and hopefully artistic :)

I had to come back to this for another look - I really like it a LOT! :)
Has a pleasing charcoal drawing quality about it Brian