A Proper Map Shop

Like the tone, the shop looks interesting, very cultured. I don't think I've seen a cartographic cornucopia before, thanks for sharing these pics.
Not only found a bit of your Mojo Rob, these are superb. The first especially so. And the processing is just right I think. I'd be tempted to crop out the spotlights and some of the RH side to push Susan into the LH side of the frame on the second one but I love the detail and her look of concentration. I also like the way you have included a globe below the mobile / orrery. Nice. :)
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Loving the first one, looks like a captains desk on an old ship... right tone, right feel, right everything really
I had the same thought as Davie about the first one,...it's like the cap'n's cabin. Another fine set of images. You got your mojo woikin'!
I was going to to write a cultured response (as if im capable) instead i shall write my first feeling
OMG !!!! i looove shops as these, we got a smiliar in Blackheath Village, id love to retire owning such a shop
(& cake pastry shop :p)
What a great scene #1 makes - wonderful details and a very complimentary PP

Rob is back in the building! :)