A Small Success

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Wasn't too overwhelmed by last nights events..... The wind on the hills was blowing the wrong way, and with Kev's cape and mask, he sounded like a flapping 8 foot bat in a hurricane whilst having a fit and trying to pull a few Discoteque moves like he was reliving the 70's to adjust himself....
I forgot my tripod quick release, Kev was trying to have a fight with the wind and hurling abuse at it......... He lost that battle :) But other than that, the fun part was having @Emma Pugh witnessing our madness and what happens on a Monday night... Especially scaring two hill walkers who hoped to get to the peak, quite unsuccessful as it stands.
They swiftly turned around when they saw a duo performance of two psychotic masked maniacs prancing about as if the oxygen up there was laced in hallucinogenics.
Emma, I apologise you had to witness this lunacy. I suppose a clear out is healthy on occasions.

The Light Mummy.

by DanCatt, on Flickr

The astonishing clarity from the Fuji..... Mounted on a tacky little tripod.

by DanCatt, on Flickr

Kev preparing for take off!
D7000 35mm 1.8 @ 1.8, ISO 6400 1/4 second... Taken whilst lying against a rock.

by DanCatt, on Flickr

Would you come to the top of the peak seeing this?
D7000.... Same set up

by DanCatt, on Flickr

No Kev..... They did NOT want a cuddle.

by DanCatt, on Flickr

Thanks for looking :)
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Haha great night maaaaaassster now where are those cretinous humans?

and it looks like you beat me to the post.....haha
Pete it was at this point (No5) when a couple of walkers decided it might be time to leave the peak, could have come right out of a wheatley
you two are nutters! :D

Love the shot with the town in the backdrop