A Small Yellow G-spot...

on Prosapark 1A. The light was very changeable on Sunday but when the low Autumn sun was creating some wonderful effects. Here it is reflecting off some windows in one of the old film processing laboratories in North Babelsberg.


Leica M9 + Zeiss Planar 50mm f1:2.0. ISO 160, 1/250s at f1:8.0. PP in LR / Nik ColorFX 4.
Very nice. Those yellows again - I never liked the colour before seeing it through your images, Pete. Beautiful. Not sure what the G in the title refers to...What a superb composi..oh! just seen the g! :):D:oops:
Very nice. Those yellows again - I never liked the colour before seeing it through your images, Pete. Beautiful. Not sure what the G in the title refers to...What a superb composi..oh! just seen the g! :):D:oops:
The G spot can sometimes be hard to find, Rob. :rolleyes:

Lovely shot, Pete. I agree with Rob about the yellows. Overall its a superb image in my opinion,...with interest on several levels: the shadows, the weeds, the blue and the wording that punctuates the yellow and not to forget the bluishness of the post on the left.
Thanks all. I spotted the reflection just as I rounded the corner and a fraction of a second before the sun was obscured by a cloud. I had to wait for 5 minutes for it to re-appear. I had wanted to take the shot more square-on but that caused too much flare and I had to move to my left to put the sun behind the post.