A Storm A Comin

Unsure about the twigs...

That was one cracking storm. It has been a beautiful day here, until an hour ago. The storm came and went, with thunder and lighting, but I was home by then. Now the air is beautifully fresh. We needed it! My, how the birds can sing!
Excellent Rob, the light is dramatic which has brought out and defined the white objects well. Nice greens and unsure about the twigs. They don't really bother me , maybe more twigs would possibly have worked better. Certainly a good image though.
Threatening stuff....funny how a dark sky always makes white objects look really bright...
I love it, and it's almost black and white in colour, if you see what I mean. ( I wonder about that ;)) A good thing you made it home or we wouldn't have seen this I guess. Isn't it lightning Rob and not lighting? I have to ask, you know, being a norseman.;)
Yes, it is lightning, Ivar. So, we have a stupid Norseman correcting an even more stupid Scotsman. :eek:
I wonder if it's going to be this time only?:D By the way, do you know anything about archery and if it's easy to get ones hand on such items as bow and arrow in Edinburg? Just wondering.