A Wee Wander

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Not doing much shooting these days. It took me a month to finish this roll of XP2. I used Canon AE1-P, and despite its large viewfinder, I found it very difficult to focus. I've managed fine with this camera before, so either it has changed, or my eyes have. Anyway, as long as I didn't get too close, all was okay.

I do feel uninspired though, so a holiday is needed!

Here's a few from wandering around Edinburgh over the last month...

1. Benches outside a pub


2. That bookshop again...


3. ...and again...

4. I had one shot left before turning the film in to Boots for developing, so I thought I'd be a tourist and photograph the castle. Suddenly this girl darted across the road, improving the shot immeasurably. A modern-day princess.

Girl Castle.jpg

5. No Parking

No Parking.jpg

6. Auld Wordie Going For A Walk

Old Man Walking.jpg

7. Erm...a reflection...

Uninspired or not, that is a damn fine set and the shot with the princess is great. As always I like the bookshop windows and the bike rack and trestles make a nice pair I think. The reflections nice also but the star for me is the walker with his stick. Looks like a story.
Thanks, Pete. I'm enjoying a book about Philip Larkin's photography, part biography. He made little attempt at staging shots or creating arty images, but within the context of his biography they become very meaningful. I'm not into his poetry, and from what I gather from his biography so far, he was a little vainglorious prick, of use to no one. But there's no use in just reading about people you like, that would be tedious. The main point is that his was a very private photography, and he was very committed to it. I've spent too much time looking for "a good image", whereas the most meaningful images are those few that my parents took in my childhood, or the ones I have of our family before I "got into" photography. The best photography seems to be about memory.
Agreed, that is a fine and varied set of pictures. I feel the best images, (or the best of any form of art), are things that inspire an emotion, or a thought, or a funny. As to weather it complies with what is regarded as a "worthy" image is way less important.

The benches make me think that in an hour's time there will be a jumble sale. The walker looks like the final shot of a movie, any moment now the closing titles will start rolling up the screen. The others are all good ones, but the princess is the star - I wonder what she is thinking?