
Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
Sorry - I needed to get that off my chest. We left home this morning to collect Bijou from the services at South Mimms. We had one call to say the transport was delayed. While sitting in the services I found another lady who takes cats from Turkey and Romania. She was there to collect two cats on behalf of an elderly lady who doesn't drive. She finally got a call to say the UK border agency had turned the vans away and they couldn't board the train from France. Our animals are now stuck on the transport for yet another day and we have no idea if or when we can get them over. They have been on there since Thursday morning and although well cared for, this is not good. I called Eurotunnel who know of the problem, but they can't help. There are no working phone numbers for the UKBA. I'm at my wit's end at the moment... :(
Not at the moment Rob. They've been in Calais for over 24 hours now. All paperwork up to date and the French can't understand why they aren't allowed on the train. For each five animals they bring over, one British volunteer has to go over as a chaperone. There were enough Brits there yesterday, but they weren't allowed on the transport and were threatened with arrest. They are trying again now - another batch of volunteers went over at around 2.00 this morning. I'd be there myself, but don't have a current passport. The refused ALL animals yesterday, so now there is a long queue waiting to go through French pet passport control. Each pet passport is being checked and the animal scanned for a chip. The French side isn't the problem though... :(
Lesley, I understand your frustration and wouldn't like this to be wished upon those who are passionate about animals, it must be a distressing time for you, and I imagine Bijou also.

However, as supportive as people are here, and willing to help in photography terms, I don't feel that this is the right place to address this matter. I'm not sure that anyone can help you if an answer/suggestions if it is what your looking for.

I do wish you all the best.
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