
Darren Turner


click photo to see full size version of this pano

panorama on Aberystwyth promenade using Fuji x10, first time i have played around with this feature...........seem pretty dam good really. Only PP is saturation boost

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I've been to Aberystwyth once ... I got drunk in the car on the way and didn't stop until I got back home to Worcester the next day... Suffice to say, I remember very little of it!
... Is it nice ;)

Cool photo, I still haven't used the pano mode on the x100
Keep meaning to
Hamish, there is a theme evolving here, firstly you seem to have spent a lot of time drunk in your past :D and secondly you are not allowing sufficient time to explore the full benefits of your gear.....:D

Having said that Daz I haven't played with this feature either yet but can see it being of great use especially in sits like this...:)
I did used to drink a bit too much ...
Before I met you mind so a while ago now... I was a sad sad monkey for a while Kev... Alcohol was a good pal... Still is, we just have a slightly more responsible relationship these days!
As for not spending enough time taking photos ... 4 words "eight" "month" "old" "baby" ... It's a bitter sweet situation (mostly sweet)
I've got a lot of baby photos of you want to see some? :)
I see it was asked on the beach then! :D

That pano feature is great - makes a very attractive shot - especially with the bright painted houses

Must give it a go sometime - I'm as bad as Hamish ;)
I think you can do I sort of portrait pano for a slightly taller less wide version ...
Maybe this is why I have been so interested in cameras ... I can't get out much, my hobby still itches me, I scratch the itch with new gear ...
That's my excuse, I'm sticking to it!