Brian Moore
Agathla Peak rises 1500 feet above the surrounding plain in Navajo County, Arizona. It's not far from Monument Valley. As the name of the county implies, this is Navajo country, and Agathla Peak is considered sacred by the Navajo. It is a "volcanic plug," not unlike Shiprock in New Mexico, which also is sacred to the Navajo and which I have posted a picture of previously.
Canon F1 with Kodak Tri-X processed in Rodinal.
Agathla Peak by brian moore, on Flickr
Canon F1 with Kodak Tri-X processed in Rodinal.

Critique Welcomed - Ship Rock
I posted a different picture of Ship Rock and it's lava dyke a few years ago. In that picture I placed the dyke in the foreground and used it like a leading line. It was an OK picture but it visually diminished the rock. Here the rock is the main event. Ship Rock is an example of an "inselberg"...