
He's adorable Beth - love the bokeh with the out of focus lighting

That's pretty risky shooting f/2.4 with the 60mm - And it paid off
thanks hamish. same conversion. don't have the raw file with me, but i quickly redid the shot from a color jpg so you can see the tone curve and other settings. and the color mode is still color, not grayscale, but i didn't have enough screen space to show that.

warm wb to make the skin creamy
saturation set to -100 to get rid of the color
set the tone curve (made a preset for the tone curve)
shadows bumped up a lot because i lost detail in the shirt with the tone curve

in the original i also used an eye brush to make the eyes pop more, but got lazy this time around.

Lovely image Beth and the PP is really good. You can download loads of PS actions and LR presets that clip the shadows and highlight but they pretty much all look horrible and gimmicky. Yours with its more subtle tweaking of the settings works nicely.