Alix in 'that dress' again

Vic Shaw

Senior Member
Now you knew this was going to happen didn't you.

I've managed to process a few from Sunday (from the outside shoot) they are sort of all right I'm not over the moon with them but the designers are, so that's all that matters. I can blag another shoot I'd say. I must say it was fun working with a hairstylist, makeup and a artistic director. Although I think next time I'll try to have a little more say in things. I choose this location and a few others but the director(?) was getting the girls to pose which I don't think I would have been able to do.

the main thing I learnt though was that I have a lot to learn about this. It's ok taking candids on the street for yourself, but when you have about six people working on the models, two designers plus models all giving up a day and it's your results that they want it kind of takes the fun away from it, but I tried not to stress it.

The best part for me though was just shouting 'make-up' now and then, that was making me laugh every time I did it :)


Thanks Pete,

When I posted this my first thought was a crop from the top, I think I will go back and crop it before I send it off. The padlock is a problem I might get rid of it completely although Alix says she likes it, but I don't so it may go.

I'm still working on the others, I've had to work out how to process a few of them as they were rather challenging. Alix has very light skin and the other model we used has very dark skin, so I've had to work out how to process these and get them to look natural and show off the clothes. I think I've worked out how to do this and I'm working on one of Alix now that I've had to use three different exposure settings for and it's working out quite well. I shall post them as I finish them and I'm happy with them.

Alix is funny, she's not a model. She, like myself got roped into this six months ago, but she loves it. She felt a little scared at first, but the other girls are great and good fun to work with. I'm working on one of her now and she just got in from work and looked over my shoulder and said 'god I'm good' (not me her!). I feel really lucky to have such a daughter, great fun to be around she keeps me young! and a willing model for me too. what else could I ask for!

News just in..........Alix is now reconsidering her comment about the padlock.

Very nice Vic - did you mention to the director that someone had stolen the top half of the dress? ;)

What were you doing for lighting?
thanks chap,

Chris, the lighting used here was my normal one light that I have placed 92 million miles away with a large modifier placed about 20,000' from the subject. Some times it works some times not, here I got lucky!

Paul, the door was just around the corner from the place we was using for the inside shots. As the girls were getting ready for these I had a little walk round the are to see what I could find and this was my first choice.

Vic - need to get me one of those lights - haven't seen it for days! :(

I reckon if you just darken the padlock a little, you get to keep the look, but it won't stand out as much
yeah, i cant see the padlock being to much of an issue to adjust slightly ...
Its a great shot Vic, my only real comment would be to watch how the vignette effects certain aspects of the image. in this case her shoe/foot looks as though it has grey over it instead of being darkened slightly
Lightroom 3 has a feature in the vignette effect that changes the amount it is applied to high lit areas that is there to prevent this sort of thing happening
otherwise, and i really dont want the above to detract, its a great shot imo
Hamish, that was another area that had crossed my mind, I have merged the layers now so theres nothing I can do about it. Unless you know what your looking for it's hardly noticeable, but it'd something I shall keep in mind as it's happened on a few occasions now.

Chris I'm using the lighting now, you can have it in 8 hours.
