Critique Welcomed American Muscle

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Spent this afternoon on the old El Toro airbase in Irvine CA - where they film the US version of Top Gear.

The American Street Car Series was in town for their 'Return to the Coast' event - lots of American muscle cars being driven at high speed round twisty circuits.

I took the Fuji MF and the X-Pro1, and shot Vevia and Kodak Porta (to be developed next week).

Here are a few of X-Pro1 shots:









X-Pro1 and 18mm Lens with CPL
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Thanks Brian - me too, can't wait to see what real Velvia looks like! :)
still like the uk version of top gear better than the us version, but the us version has a better track (and not just because of the mountains in the background). wonderful wide angle perspective. #5, 7 and 8 are my favorites, especially loving the b&w conversion on #5.
Ever since watching Knight Rider as a kid im a fan of American Muscle, although i must admit i know very little.
The b&w i would have as a poster.
Thanks Everyone

Darren - seems to be a thing over here to put chrome wheels on everything!

Beth - I think US Top Gear is improving, but it was pretty damn painful for the first series

Ahmad - I like that B&W as well, something about the monochrome look of the car, and those nice burn-out stripes on the runway, really work in B&W.

Pete - couldn't resist including the sky as it was just superb all day long
Beth - I think US Top Gear is improving, but it was pretty damn painful for the first series

and the second was pretty painful and most of the third as well... some high power decided we could watch them at work 24/7 as educational material that pertains to our job. personally i think they were either 1. ignorant of what the show contained or 2. smoking rocks.
Educational.... never looked at TG that way before! :D :D :D