Dan Cattermole
Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
I remember a thread posted by Hamish regards to a poor customer service that he had received by Jessops, which brings me onto this subject.
I'm not the type of person to complain about anything in gerneral, but this experience is worth noting.
My intention to take a visit to PC world today was to look into getting a new laptop, nothing pricey or fancy. The one I have is coming to it's last legs and processing photos is becoming a right drag now.
I approached the laptop section and I could clearly see that all of the members of staff were busy attending to other customers, so I took as stroll over to the camers (as you do) to see what there is and pass a bit of time untill it quitened down..
There was a chap I walked passed who worked there standing near the cameras chewing gum in a repulsive fashion who didn't say a word to me because he was too engrossed in what I could identify as facebook on his phone. (not going to lose any sleep over that)
I caught my eye on the Sony NEX-5R and I went in for the kill.
A smart looking bit of kit wired up to all sorts of security wires. It felt difficult to hold and get a feel for it as it seemed to be very restricted with all these wires (understandable reasons of course)
The next thing you know, the alarm goes off (I'm sure it happens to all at some point)...... I don't panic in these circumstances, I just keep looking.
This 'not so talkative' chap came over and punched a few numbers into the security key pad to reset it.
I said to him "Is this going to happen with everything I look at?"
Replied "Na mate"......... that was it....na mate, and walked off......
I thought, Na Mate?? WTF!!?? for starters I'm not your mate, I'm a customer in 'YOUR' store!......
I done something I haven't done in a VERY long time at this point....that was to bite my tongue..... but that really hacked me off that did!
Anyway so, I picked up the NEX-F3 next to it, and guess what happened? lol
So inconveniently for him, the sloppy, knuckle dragging, face chewing arrogant chap had to peel his eyes of his phone to come over and reset the alarm again.
This time, I didn't say anything he reset it and walked to the end of the row again.........
Gob smacked!! I was absolutely gob smacked!
From a business point of view, there is a customer who is showing interest in a product in THEIR business. This individual had no intension to see that. What ever was occuring on his phone was far more interesing.
This time, I grabbed the NEX-5R in a fashion with every intension to set off the alarm, and it happened.
He came over for the final time, put his code in and was about to walked off......
Well, not this time....
"Oi Mate" I said to him (have a dose of your medicine)
"Do you not think that I might be interested in purchasing this camera or have you not seen that?"
A pathetic reply came back from him "er, do you want me to get some one coz I don't weally know much about dose fings weally.."
I replied "It has taken you three times to come over here to realise that I may need some customer service from someone in here? basic customer service at the very least would be great"
"soz mate, I'll go get some one yeah?"
"Mate?? Who are you calling mate? Your arrogance and unproffesionality has just costed my custom in this store! I tell you what, forget it!!!"
Off I walked out the door! What an arrogant penis!
This individual may or may not have had the experties in this particular field, nor did he know that I may or may not of had the cash in pocket in exchange for this/these product(s).
But what I really know is that this guy had 'momentarily' failed in his duty as a customer service advisor, but not just mild level.... This was appauling!!

I'm not the type of person to complain about anything in gerneral, but this experience is worth noting.
My intention to take a visit to PC world today was to look into getting a new laptop, nothing pricey or fancy. The one I have is coming to it's last legs and processing photos is becoming a right drag now.
I approached the laptop section and I could clearly see that all of the members of staff were busy attending to other customers, so I took as stroll over to the camers (as you do) to see what there is and pass a bit of time untill it quitened down..
There was a chap I walked passed who worked there standing near the cameras chewing gum in a repulsive fashion who didn't say a word to me because he was too engrossed in what I could identify as facebook on his phone. (not going to lose any sleep over that)
I caught my eye on the Sony NEX-5R and I went in for the kill.
A smart looking bit of kit wired up to all sorts of security wires. It felt difficult to hold and get a feel for it as it seemed to be very restricted with all these wires (understandable reasons of course)
The next thing you know, the alarm goes off (I'm sure it happens to all at some point)...... I don't panic in these circumstances, I just keep looking.
This 'not so talkative' chap came over and punched a few numbers into the security key pad to reset it.
I said to him "Is this going to happen with everything I look at?"
Replied "Na mate"......... that was it....na mate, and walked off......

I thought, Na Mate?? WTF!!?? for starters I'm not your mate, I'm a customer in 'YOUR' store!......
I done something I haven't done in a VERY long time at this point....that was to bite my tongue..... but that really hacked me off that did!
Anyway so, I picked up the NEX-F3 next to it, and guess what happened? lol
So inconveniently for him, the sloppy, knuckle dragging, face chewing arrogant chap had to peel his eyes of his phone to come over and reset the alarm again.
This time, I didn't say anything he reset it and walked to the end of the row again.........
Gob smacked!! I was absolutely gob smacked!
From a business point of view, there is a customer who is showing interest in a product in THEIR business. This individual had no intension to see that. What ever was occuring on his phone was far more interesing.
This time, I grabbed the NEX-5R in a fashion with every intension to set off the alarm, and it happened.
He came over for the final time, put his code in and was about to walked off......
Well, not this time....
"Oi Mate" I said to him (have a dose of your medicine)
"Do you not think that I might be interested in purchasing this camera or have you not seen that?"
A pathetic reply came back from him "er, do you want me to get some one coz I don't weally know much about dose fings weally.."
I replied "It has taken you three times to come over here to realise that I may need some customer service from someone in here? basic customer service at the very least would be great"
"soz mate, I'll go get some one yeah?"
"Mate?? Who are you calling mate? Your arrogance and unproffesionality has just costed my custom in this store! I tell you what, forget it!!!"
Off I walked out the door! What an arrogant penis!
This individual may or may not have had the experties in this particular field, nor did he know that I may or may not of had the cash in pocket in exchange for this/these product(s).
But what I really know is that this guy had 'momentarily' failed in his duty as a customer service advisor, but not just mild level.... This was appauling!!