Ana Cross North York Moors

Thank you Pete. I tried here to get an effect similar to my old darkroom prints onto papers like Agfa Record Rapid.
I think you pretty much succeeded. We used to use Agfa Record Rapid for all of our microscopy prints - I still have the old dryer from the processor although I got rid of the rest of the processing system when the paper became impossible to get any more.
I do remember that Agfa Record Rapid was very limited in it's range as it could never reproduce a good black; how could it as it's blacks were brown ? But it was never the less a stunning paper easily capable of showing shadows in areas of dark. I always thought that Kodak Royal Bromesko was way superior. Such a shame that these papers were forced off the market. Another of my favourites was original Ilford Galerie. Sorry for that ! Living in the past again.