And The President Is...

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Susan! My wife has become the President of the James Boswell Society, 2016-17. That was a few days ago, Yesterday we went to his portrait in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh, to sing him "Happy Birthday", much to the alarm of the guard! Even presidents have to wait their turn to read the painting's information...

Canon AE1-P, XP2.

Boswells Birthday.jpg
Yes, I should point out that he is in the larger frame in the middle, just in case anyone was in doubt. She said he seems to be saying, "Where is that book about me you said you had started work on three years ago?!". One day, one day...
I like it, the president has got an eye for your wife Rob. Better watch out mate.. Very good image and congratulations of becoming a president to your wife. I wonder what that makes you Rob. Do you have to stay about two paces behind her from now on?:rolleyes:
Rob that makes you "First Man".
Obviously your wife has impeccable taste. Surely that is why she chose you! :confused:

Congratulations to her and to you for another very good photo.