And, with a smart left hook...

down he went!


Nikon D3, 24-70 f1:2.8 at 32 mm. ISO 8000 f1:2.8, 1/80s PP in LR/Nik/PS
looks like a rough night!, everyone in the shot has a clenched fist. Nice capture

They are actually brother and sister and they are dancing at her birthday party in a bar on the beach on the dutch coast. I have a load of shots the evening (there was a live band) but I liked the ambiguity of this one in particular and thought it good for use on the forum.
It's a great shot, Pete. The image conjures ideas of what it might have been like in Hamburg when the Beatles were learning how to play,...1961 or so.
Shot to the ribs, next to the chin - sisters will do that to you, and then scream when you retaliate!

I think the grain visible in the brighter areas, really sets the mood