
In the press here, in the immediate aftermath of this tragic thing in Connecticut, one heard many mentions of Columbine and Denver and Oregon and other places where mass shootings have taken place. Surprisingly, though, at least to me, I heard no mention in the US press about Dunblane, which I thought might have been the first comparison, since the madness there was visited upon little school children, too. Ahmad's mention of it is the first I personally have heard.

Lovely image Ahmad, and a lovely sentiment.
The thing that got me the most is when they mentioned on the news that they regularly practice drills incase this very thing happens. Over here we practice fire drills, in the US it appears they practice crazed gunman drills...........something very wrong in this world.
a beautiful image ahmad, and without knowing any of the victims, it seems a fitting memorial.

you won't hear many mentions on the news of incidents that took place outside of the us. between the local violence, the war, weather and sports there isn't much time left for news. i think all of the reporters should leave the people in connecticut alone and let them grieve, especially the children who were in the school and the families of the victims. i don't need 24/7 news coverage of this at their expense.

darren, i've participated in some of those drills, and i know they do them in england, and most other developed countries as well. they're not done during school hours with school children present like they do with fire drills, this is a good example of sensationalism in american news. the drills are usually during the summer and teacher days. sometimes the incident may be a natural disaster, accident such as a building collapse or fire, chemical/nuclear/biological incident or violent act. regardless of the incident the drills are pretty much the same - try to evacuate and triage civilians while tracking your personnel who are inbound or on scene. and school personnel and/or school buildings aren't used in every drill. we do drills about once a month, the school personnel might only participate once a year, mainly to educate new staff. school buildings are used during the summer for a variety of training incidents (some have nothing to do with school violence at all), because they're large buildings that are empty. i read about a drill the other day involving zombies in san diego.
Lovely Ahmad, stopped me and made me reflect in just the intended way I think!

lets not let this thread deviate on to the politics or how the media handle this sort of thing etc any further ...
you are right Beth, the people involved dont need sensationalism or commentary.

So lets keep the thread to what I suspect Ahmad intended: a moment of quite reflection